Do this… Don’t do that!
NOTE: Want to attract more women? Then you need to WATCH THIS VIDEO. It shows you how you can sleep with 6+ girls a week using stealth seduction methods.
Tinder has been at the forefront of mobile app dating for the past few years now and is widely known as the best hookup app, it’s had some harsh criticism and some praise. Whichever side you fall on, there’s no question that if you’re looking to get laid… you use Tinder.
Here’s the thing though, most guys do the same thing with Tinder. They upload terrible photos, swipe right on the hottest girls and always use the same boring game on each of them.
Their conversion rate from Tinder to number is extremely low… their conversion rate from number to lay… WAY WAY low if anything at all.
Think about some of the statistics for a second:
Men swipe “like” on a woman’s profile on average 46% of the time. Women swipe “like” on a man’s profile on average only 14% of the time. Fact.
How crazy is that??
This means you have less of a chance of impressing a girl on Tinder than you do in the street during a daytime session!
Ok so what can be done? What can you do to make sure you stand out and make women not only swipe right on your profile, but actually reply when you open?
Well, it can be done in just a handful of simple steps…
How To Game Tinder In 5 Steps
Obviously there’s a lot more to Tinder game, but for this post I’m going to share the top 5 ways which have helped several of my buddies over the past year get laid consistently… week after week.
1. Use the same opener or customise for each girl
There are two ways you can play the opener. Firstly you can text the same kind of opener which is usually funny, witty or direct. This type of opener will intrigue the girl and make her want to reply, it’s you hooking her into the conversation.
The second type of opener takes a little more work and requires you to customise each opener based on the girls picture.
So for the first one you might want to say “ Prettiest smile I’ve seen on Tinder” or “I’m sure you get this all the time but you look like a mix between Fergie and Jesus”. More cool lines here.
The second type is harder, so you’ll need to up your game with making the details funny. Make a note of certain things in her photos, what is she doing, is there anything behind her that’s funny etc.
2. Upload 5 of the following types of photos
It’s important that you upload at least 5 photos (that’s the magic number) and they need to be one of the following…
- You looking away from the camera (profile shot)
- You doing something sporty/scary
- You with friends (social circle of hot girls and cool guys)
- You smiling into the camera
- You relaxing somewhere
These types of photos have proven to help with attractiveness and women are more inclined to swipe right if they see a bunch of different photos in your profile, as opposed to guys just having their tops off or doing something that doesn’t show high value.
3. Convert to WhatsApp/iMessage as quickly as you can
Don’t keep the conversation in Tinder, you have to take it outside as quickly as possible. So get her number by saying something like “What’s your number, I’ll add you on WhatsApp… hate texting on Tinder”.
Then when you get the number, you can choose to either keep texting (which I don’t advise) or you can call her (which I strongly advise). Women are way more responsive on the phone because it feels real, so you’re more likely to get her out if you talk to her.
4. Arrange a date/meetup that same week
Don’t delay things. You MUST do whatever you can to get her out the same week you matched with her. If she’s horny and you can tell, then get her out that night. But if you want to play more of the long game with her, then hookup a date by saying “Sarah, we need to meet this week…”
She will then followup with a shit test or “yes we should”. That’s when you go for the kill and set the day, place and time to meet.
5. Don’t forget to show your intent
Now that you have a date/meetup set, you need to show your intent. What I mean is show her that you’re not looking for a friend, you’re on Tinder because you want to fuck. That’s it. To do this you should be building deep rapport… kinoing and making her feel comfortable around you.
So that’s it! That’s how you close on Tinder and get laid on a consistent basis. BOOM! Maybe you should also try Facebook to broaden the dating pool.
One final thing. Always double-check to see if they are real or just a fake profile looking for likes or wanting to scam people. Here’s how to know if you’re being catfished.
Hey Gambler – so there is anther dating app like Tinder, but it’s called Bumbled. It’s a similar set up, with a left swipe (dislike) and right swipe (like) but the girl actually starts the conversation – should we use the same approach to Tinder Game as we do Bumble Game?