Too Proud to Beg? How to Nab Sexy Nude Selfies From Girls (Without Begging!)

Here’s the deal. Up to 33 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 24 admit to sending at least one sext in their lives. Whether it’s a text or a video, it’s always fun to get a girl to send you nudes.

Hot girl taking a naked selfie.

Want nudes like this?

Not sure how to get nude selfies? If so, I’m here to help.

Let’s be honest: what guy doesn’t love getting sexy nude selfies? Well today you’re going to learn how to get a girl to send nudes without having to grovel (yes, it’s possible!). [Read more…]

How To Talk To Women Confidently Without Running Out Of Things To Say (Conversation Control)

NOTE: Want to attract more women? Then you need to WATCH THIS VIDEO. It shows you how you can sleep with 6+ girls a week using stealth seduction methods.

Pity me as a teacher! Conversation is one of the things that guys always want to learn, but is the hardest to teach. Why?

First simply because each girl and each situation is different and so requires a different conversation. Second because it’s possible to pick up a girl by being very funny, and not connecting, or by connecting and not making one joke, by talking a lot, or by not saying much. [Read more…]

4 Easy Assumptions You Can Make To Keep The Conversation Going

NOTE: Want to attract more women? Then you need to WATCH THIS VIDEO. It shows you how you can sleep with 6+ girls a week using stealth seduction methods.

Drying up mid flow during a conversation with a hot lady and have NO IDEA what to say next? No worries dude, it’s a common problem.

You’ve been there… a smoke-show stands in front of you at Starbucks… you pluck up the confidence to open her, she’s instantly receptive and then you immediately start sweating because you don’t know what to say to keep the conversation going with her. [Read more…]

Conversation Control: How To Build Attraction & Rapport During An Interaction With Women

If you’re still having trouble building rapport and girls are just not attracted to you, then you need to make a few conversational adjustments.

The tips below are the exact same tips I give to my students, so take note and start using them. [Read more…]

11 Surprisingly Good Second Date Ideas That Any Girl Will Go Nuts Over

Ok so you’ve been on a first date with a girl you really like and you want to see her again, now what? Well you need to setup a 2nd date also known as a day 2 and think of some good second date ideas so she won’t get bored.

Easy enough right?

Well apparently not! [Read more…]

8 Simple But Very Effective First Date Tips For Men… Never Experience A First Date Disaster Again

I’ve got some very cool first date tips for men that will have her itching to meet you again because she’s never been on a first date like it!

NOTE: Want to attract more women? Then you need to WATCH THIS VIDEO. It shows you how you can sleep with 6+ girls a week using stealth seduction methods.

I used to be terrible on first dates and made all the classic mistakes a lot of guys do… you know, running out of things to say, taking the girls to the wrong kinds of places, never really knowing how to escalate… it was a disaster. [Read more…]

Surefire Kino Escalation Tips: 6 Types Of Kino Touching That Will Turn Women On Super Fast

Kino escalation seems to be a HUGE sticking point for guys.

I mean men seriously don’t know how to touch women, without coming across as creepy and weird.

But once you understand how to touch a woman, you will be able to spark attraction, build ridiculous levels of sexual tension and basically have her ready to come back to your place. [Read more…]

Rapport Building Questions: How To Build Extremely Deep Levels Of Rapport

Asking the right questions can lead to extreme levels of trust.

In this post I go into detail on connecting with a woman, showing you secrets that I’ve NEVER revealed anywhere else before.

The connection techniques I teach you in that program are so advanced that some guys find it hard to apply them.

So today I want to touch on rapport building questions, which is a basic level of rapport but still incredibly powerful. [Read more…]

How To Annihilate A Girls “Bitch Shield” And Make Her Want You

It’s inevitable that you will come across a bitchy woman at some point.

She’ll be happy to tell you exactly what she thinks about you, without a second thought as to how you might be feeling afterwards.

Her main focus at that given point is to ruin you, to make you feel like an insignificant, worthless little boy who would never stand a chance of getting with her if your life depended on it. [Read more…]