More men than ever are feeling depressed in today’s society, in fact lots of our subscribers and customers suffer from depression.
Generally, they aren’t satisfied with their love lives and lack confidence. A lot of our coaches were in that exact same position and then turned their life around. Because I get lots of messages from depressed guys, I’ve put this superb article together for you.
Depression is real: Here’s how to treat it the right way.
NOTE: If you’re serious about getting better with women, then you need to WATCH THIS VIDEO. It shows you how you can sleep with 6+ girls a week using stealth seduction methods.
Although depression is commonly associated with women because they are two times more likely to suffer from it than men, it still does affect a considerable number of males.
In fact, figures have revealed that this adds up to over 6 million men in the US who are impacted by this mood disorder.
Unfortunately, a vast majority of male sufferers don’t seek help, either because they don’t want to talk about how they feel with a healthcare professional or don’t recognise the signs and symptoms to look out for.
If you want to avoid becoming tangled in the web of depression, the information below can help.
With it, you will learn the different types of depression in men that could be affecting you.
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10 Signs Of Depression You Need To Know
Men are typically thought of as stoic, brave, fearless and happy. However, men get depressed just as often as women.
The rub lies in the fact that men are much less likely to seek help for their depression.
Oftentimes, they conceal signs of depression in an attempt to hide their sorrows from others.
If you are wondering, “Am I depressed?”, or if someone in your life is depressed, reviewing each of the most common signs of depression in men below should be very helpful.
Having said that, if you find yourself saying yes to more than one of the below signs, you should consult a health professional immediately.
Not being able to concentrate or remember details
Depressed individuals find it incredibly difficult to remember subtleties about work projects, menial tasks, personal finances and other matters.
Their mind centres on the negative happenings in their life and rarely deviates toward nuanced topics like hobbies, work etc.
Furthermore, depressed people struggle to concentrate for extended periods of time. The haze of depression hangs over them, making it quite challenging to maintain an extended focus beyond a few minutes.
Their thoughts tend to gravitate toward problems, shortcomings, potentially negative outcomes of future events and other matters that are often out of their control.
Feeling empty or sad
It is one thing to feel sad after a depressing life event such as the death of a loved one, the loss of one’s job or an auto accident. However, prolonged sadness is a telltale sign of depression.
Feeling “empty” inside as if there is little reason to get out of bed or engage in in activities or relationships is an indication that one could be deeply depressed.
Inability to meet the responsibilities of work, caring for family, or other important activities
Source: Men’s Health Forum
Some depressed individuals find it difficult to hold down a steady job and perform according to the standards of the position. Others struggle to muster up the energy necessary to care for family members and tend to other important matters.
For example, you may have a family gathering or BBQ planned for the weekend, but you can’t gather enough confidence or oomph to make an appearance.
Feeling hopeless, irritable, anxious, or angry
If you feel as though there is little or no hope for the future, you are likely depressed. It is important to have something to look forward to.
Even if it is something small like your favourite meal, time playing a video game, or going for a walk.
If you feel as though your anger looms throughout the day or if you are nervous more often than not, you might be depressed. If subtle behaviours, sounds and other stimuli make you irritable, there is a good chance you suffer from depression.
Feeling very tired
Depression tends to make people feel extremely tired throughout the majority of the day.
It makes it difficult to get out of bed and seize the day. Feeling overly tired due to depression has the potential to ruin your career as well as his relationships with others if you let it.
Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems
Depression impacts more than just the mind and spirit. Instances of extreme depression often induce physical ailments ranging from cramps to body aches and even digestive problems.
However this is in severe cases, so you shouldn’t immediately attribute stomach cramps to being depressed.
Loss of interest in work, family, or once-pleasurable activities, including sex
The rapid loss of interest in the activities you used to enjoy is an indication you have become overwhelmingly depressed.
Non-depressed individuals have interests, hobbies, relationships and pleasurable activities to look forward to. Oftentimes, the passion for such activities is what prevents feelings of anomie.
Overeating, or not wanting to eat at all
The eating habits of depressed individuals tend to range from an excess of food consumption to a lack of a desire to eat.
Those who overeat use food as a means of compensating for their lack of happiness because of the quick dopamine hits you get. Food provides comfort.
Alternatively, some depression sufferers feel so down that they can’t muster up the energy or willpower to cook a balanced meal. Those people often eat little-to-nothing during the day.
They might snack on small uncooked foods in a “grazing” manner yet they rarely orchestrate a balanced meal for a traditional sit-down lunch or dinner.
This is why you see two sides of people when they split up from a long term partner. Either you gain weight or you lose it fast.
Not being able to sleep, or sleeping too much
The sleep schedules of depressed individuals tend to be quite chaotic. Some sufferers of depression can’t sleep for more than a few hours at a time.
Their thoughts are bogged down by worry, frustration, regret and even paranoia. Other sufferers of depression are plagued by an excess of sleep.
These individuals struggle to get out of bed in the morning because they feel as though they have little, if anything, to look forward to.
Others spend the entire morning, afternoon and even parts of the evening in bed.
Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
The most depressed folks feel so down that they consider suicide. Others follow through on such morbid thoughts by actually committing suicide, these are again the severe cases.
Men are less likely than women to verbalise thoughts of suicide and seek help for their problems.
They also tend to feel as though asking for help or verbalising frustration/sadness makes them appear weak. If you or anyone in your life is suicidal, it is imperative that you reach out for help.
10 Causes Of Depression That You Might Be Unaware Of
The notions that men are supposed to be self-reliant, tough, immune to feelings, take charge of the situation and manage pain have hindered them from seeking help.
Although studies show that more women are affected by depression than men, depression is and has been a common problem among men.
It is okay for a man to feel hopeless or overwhelmed by despair, what is not okay is to deny it or hide it from yourself and those around you, or to try to mask your feelings with other behaviours.
Just like a deep cut on your foot or a broken arm, depression can’t heal without help, medical or otherwise.
Remember, depression is not a weakness, it’s an illness. There is nothing wrong with you seeking help when suffering an ailment.
So, what are some of the causes of depression in men?
Have you ever wondered what causes your depression? Perhaps you’ve experienced major depression that’s made you wonder why some people get depressed while others don’t. Just like most illnesses, depressive illness can be inherited.
Well, you don’t inherit depression, but can inherit genes that predispose you to the condition. Inherited genes determine which illnesses we can be vulnerable to, including depression.
A family history of depression can increase the risk of depression in men.
If you have a sibling or a parent with major depressive disorder, you become 2-3 times more likely to suffer depression than someone with no family history. However, the most important thing to keep in mind is that depression is treatable.
Brain chemistry and hormones
Faulty chemical regulation and hormone imbalance in the brain include the long list of causes of depression in men.
Clinical depression is presumed to be as a result of chemical imbalance in the brain. This is what most drug treatments are aimed to resolve.
A decreased amount of certain brain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine can be found in depressed men.
Also, overproduction of stress hormones – hormonal imbalance – is a leading cause of depression in men. The hormonal imbalance has to do with our natural reactions to stress.
An increase in stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol), usually caused by ruminating in a negative way, can also lead to depression.
Don’t underestimate the power of mood.
It’s safe to say that feeling stressed can be an indicator of clinical depression. It is also safe to say that, men are more likely to report symptoms of depression as stress. Stress and overwhelm go hand in hand, after all, stress is a feeling of being overwhelmed.
Extreme amounts of stress or overwhelm can have adverse health consequences including depression. Finances and on-the-job issues are the leading stressors for men.
Also, a difficult relationship and the pressure to take care of the family can trigger depression in some guys.
Bad experiences
Depression can be an emotional state that constitutes a reaction to the varying experiences in our lives.
In an ordinary day, there are countless bad experiences that can lead to depression, but the loss of a loved one, divorce or trauma represent major causes of depression in fellas.
For example, a man who loses his wife/lover/fiancé to death may be more susceptible to becoming clinically depressed than a woman who loses her husband/lover/fiancé.
Depression relates to the response of bad experiences or stressful life events. For example, sadness or grief from the loss of a loved one can increase the risk of sadness which induces depression.
Trauma such as physical abuse, an accident, emotional or sex abuse or losing everything in a natural disaster increases the vulnerability of depression later in life, especially because men are less likely to ask for help.
Sickness/Health problems
For many men, chronic illnesses or health problems, especially those that last a long time, and depression are facts of life.
Depression is one of the most common complications of many chronic illnesses among guys. This can be associated with that fact that sickness/health problems take away a sense of control and cause great emotional upheaval.
Depression among men with major health problems is common because the illness can affect mobility, a person’s independence.
Adjusting to the demands of a health problem can change the way a person lives or views himself which can lead to despair, sadness and eventually depression.
Body issues
Body issues/image isn’t just a woman’s problem. Men are also preoccupied with, dissatisfied with and even impaired by their image or how they look.
Men, like women, begin forming a perception of their body’s attractiveness, acceptability, health, and functionality at an early age.
Male body issues mainly result when men become exposed to images of unrealistic male body types.
Until today, men believe that how a body looks is much more important for women. Men who think about their image or focus on their perceived flaws for hours are more likely to suffer from depression.
Exercise is incredibly beneficial for stress.
Social isolation, which can result from conflict with family and friends, can be a contributing factor to depression among men.
Physical contact, which is one of the five basic human needs according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, is important for one to like a normal healthy life. A continued lack of contact with other people, especially family and friends, can lead to severe clinical depression.
Us humans require social interactions with other human beings. Such interactions provide us with a sense of intimacy, belonging and support.
Isolation can be caused by ageing, illness, physical and emotional disabilities are all common factors that lead to isolation.
Money problems and job insecurities are among the leading causes of depression among men, it’s BIG problem.
Losing a job or having money problems can affect the way a man feels about himself, which in turn triggers emotional distress.
Money problems or being unemployed is one of the most difficult, more devastating experiences men go through, given the pressure to provide for their families.
Unemployment and money problems double the chances of a major depressive episode.
Most retiring/retired men aren’t sure how to fill their day in comparison to women. This is so because a man’s identity is more closely tied to his career compared to a woman.
Men develop a sense of identity, a routine when employed and most of their friendships are associated with work.
The end of a career marks a loss of a sense of identity in man which can lead to feelings of hopelessness and depression.
Once a man retires, he loses the meaningful contribution he gets out of what he does, and a change in lifestyle which slowly transitions into depression.
Criticism, nagging and feeling let down by your partner can lead to depression. Also, feeling trapped in a relationship or a marriage is depression fodder. Men who have trouble getting along with their spouses can develop depression.
An unhappy marriage/relationship, can arise from disappointments and hurt from within and outside the marriage.
Depression is not a weakness, nor is it a feminine problem. It can be a man’s problem too. The good news is, depression is a battle that can be won.
Random fact: Most of the best womanizers of all time suffered from some form of depression.
The 6 Types Of Depression All Men Need To Be Aware Of
Believe it or not, there are actually six types of depression that you can suffer from and be diagnosed with.
Some are more serious than others, but all types should be discussed with a health professional if you suffer from any of them.
This type of depression causes an individual to become motionless and speechless for an extended length of time.
The American Psychiatric Association recently designated it as a specifier for mental illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, and depression.
Depression is believed to be caused by irregular production of serotonin and norepinephrine, both of which are neurotransmitters that help cells in the brain communicate.
The catatonic marker of this disorder is believed to be caused by underlying illnesses or imbalances in crucial neurotransmitter systems within the brain.
- Being still
- Not speaking or decreased speech
- Abnormal or quick movements
- Weight gain or loss
- Feeling sad
- Fatigue
- Difficulty thinking/making decisions
- N-Methyl-D-Aspartate
- Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Benzodiazepines
You’ll be surprised at what happens when you face your fears.
Recognised by the American Psychiatric Association as major depression with atypical features, this can affect how an individuals live their daily lives.
Often times they lose interest in hobbies, begin having trouble thinking positively and experience overwhelming sadness.
While the specific cause of this is not known, it could be triggered by a traumatic experience, major illness, or history of abusing drugs or alcohol.
Additionally, this could be passed down genetically or be caused by imbalances with brain chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
- Trouble sleeping
- Anxiety
- Sadness/loss of hope
- Difficulty concentrating
- Weight gain
- Body aches/headaches
- Heaviness in legs and arms
- Talk therapy
- Avoiding drugs/alcohol
- Major lifestyle changes
- Medications
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Major depressive disorder is distinguished by experiencing intense feelings of sadness for much longer than normal (such as when going through a divorce or loss of a loved one).
This can affect daily life, from how someone sleeps to how they eat. Additionally, the majority of MDD sufferers can begin to feel as though life is not worth living.
Although the exact cause isn’t known, this disorder can be triggered by taking medications, certain medical conditions, and abuse of either drugs or alcohol.
Additionally, hormone imbalances as well as genes can enhance an individual’s likelihood to suffer from this type of major depressive disorder.
- Feeling worthless
- Extreme sadness
- Irritability
- Weight loss or gain
- Restlessness
- Fatigue/lack of energy
- Trouble making decisions or concentrating
- Contemplating suicide
- Psychotherapy
- Medication
- Permanent lifestyle changes
- Avoiding drugs/alcohol
This form of major depressive disorder is distinguished by the appearance of melancholic characteristics.
Those who experience it often have extreme feelings of sadness and an incredible loss of hope, both of which won’t seem to dissipate even after weeks or months.
This can affect relationships, eating, work, activities, and even sleep as a result. Unfortunately, many individuals also lose their zest for life and become suicidal as their depression progresses.
There are many things that can contribute to this disorder, such as biological factors, psychotic illnesses, or other underlying illnesses.
- Major weight loss
- Loss of interest in hobbies/activities
- Trouble sleeping
- Worse depression in the morning
- Suicide attempts or thoughts
- Extreme sadness for extended periods
- Fatigued
- Antidepressants
- Talk therapy
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Research is proving that diet impacts the mind.
This form of depression occurs with the change of the seasons, normally when winter is at its worst. While it does normally clear up on its own within a few months, it’s still important for those who are affected to seek help.
The cause of SAD is unknown, although many healthcare professionals believe it’s due to an imbalance in brain chemicals with the decreased sunlight that’s experienced in the fall and winter months.
Most physicians will test their patients for other conditions such as bipolar disorder, mononucleosis, and hypothyroidism before diagnosing SAD to ensure all other health issues are ruled out.
- Fatigue in the day
- Hopelessness
- Sadness
- Trouble concentrating/solving problems
- Weight gain/weight loss
- Trouble sleeping
- Restlessness
- Lethargy
- Light therapy
- Healthy lifestyle changes
- Medications
Chronic Depression (Dysthymia)
The symptoms of dysthymia are generally less severe than those of traditional depression, although they are longer lasting. It’s defined as a state of chronic depression that lasts for at least two years.
Unfortunately, because it lasts so long, most sufferers begin to believe this is part of their personality rather than an issue that needs to be treated.
The exact causes of this disorder are not known, although it can be triggered by a genetic predisposition, high levels of stress, no social support, or extreme lack of social interaction.
- Low energy
- Lack of interest in activities
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Guilt
- Sadness
- Anger
- Irritability
- Extreme exhaustion
- Medications
- Therapy
The Most Dangerous Depression Myths In Men
Depression has for a long time been perceived as a selective disease that only affects specific groups of people.
This has led to increased numbers of fatalities related to depression, especially for men who based on global depression statistics, appear to be more affected by depression than women.
Depression has since 2013 been in the top ten killers in the world, with a large number of suicide victims being men.
So, what are some of the myths about depression that affect men on a day to day basis?
Depression is a sign of weakness
Studies indicate that most men suffer from denial as they see depression as a sign of personal weakness. This negative perception often leads to most men neglecting the symptoms and rejecting external assistance.
Depression does not indicate personal weakness as it can affect anyone, even the most successful people around. It is important to understand that the best way of handling depression is seeking counsel either from close friends or qualified professionals.
Fewer emotions are manly and okay
The society has for long depicted men as masculine and strong souls while in truth, men are as vulnerable and in need of emotional assistance just as much as women.
Most men hide their feelings and emotions as they attempt to maintain their manly ego; this more often than not leads to the gradual development of depression which if not addressed enough can transgress to chronic depression that can lead to suicidal attempts.
Therefore, it is important to reach out to friends and family who appear distant or troubled. This will help them communicate their emotions better and prevent depression from reaching critical levels.
Depression is not a disease
Monitor your sleep to also get a better idea of how you unwind.
The most common mistake made by most men is assuming that depression is a state of mind rather than a serious medical condition that requires adequate professional assistance.
Thinking that depression is a state rather than a condition is often the beginning of chronic depression that can lead to suicidal thoughts over time.
Depression is a disease that requires medical attention and all men should be encouraged to seek professional care when symptoms prevail.
Self Medication can help
The biggest error made by most men suffering from depression is assuming that they can self-medicate or purchase random drugs for treatment.
Depression is a critical medical condition that can develop into serious levels if not given the necessary attention required. Firstly, depression has its specific treatment procedure just like any other condition.
Therefore, this implies that professional attention should be prioritised whenever symptoms of depression persist. All family and friends of depression victims should ensure that their loved ones attend their scheduled hospital visits and take their medication without failure.
It will disappear over time
Depression always strikes when you assume its existence. A majority of men diagnosed with depression tend to assume the symptoms initially.
Making assumptions is risky when it comes to depression as it only makes the condition severe and more critical than it could have been if treatment was sought out earlier.
Therefore, this leads to the common question of how to determine whether you are suffering from depression. The Center for Disease Control advises that one should seek medical attention if depression symptoms such as persistent headaches, deep thoughts, and sadness prevail for over a month.
Depression is only Genetic
Recent studies indicate that 65% of men diagnosed with depression assumed the symptoms as they thought they were immune to depression.
Although genetics might play a distant role in depression, the condition can affect anyone including men with no medical history of the condition in their family. This myth has affected many depression patients, especially men who assume that they are immune to the condition.
All the above myths are responsible for the numerous cases of depression that are being reported nowadays. This is because most men fail to take the condition with the right level of seriousness it deserves.
Therefore, to overcome depression and its effects on society, it is important to ensure that all myths concerning the disease are demystified. This will help control depression, especially among men who more often than not seek medical attention when it is too late.
The Best Depression Treatments: Which Works Best And How To Use Them Properly
Oftentimes men think they should be strong and in control of their emotions at all times, which makes it hard to admit if they feel overcome with despair, helplessness or grief.
Many men don’t acknowledge, recognise, or seek help for their depression or stress. They might be reluctant to talk to someone about how they’re feeling. Depression is not a sign of diminished masculinity, weakness or failure.
It is a real and treatable medical condition which affects millions of women and men every year. With the right treatment, most men who suffer from depression can get better and gain back their interest in hobbies, work, and family.
Below is a list of some of the most effective natural and medical depression treatments for men.
Setting effective goals with a clear strategy is a really great tool that can help treat depression and is one small way which you can help yourself if you’re feeling lost and do not know which way you should turn.
Try to identify ways through which you can improve the physical symptoms of your depression. If you have poor eating patterns, plan to slowly improve them every day. If your body is aching and sore, consider scheduling a massage session for muscle relief.
You can tend to the negative thoughts through natural treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or biofeedback, where you can enable you to develop a more positive mindset.
You can also address the emotional aspects of your depression by taking part in in activities which make you feel less sad, such as a sport, a hobby or socialising with a friend.
If you can view your depression as a series of smaller sections and you aim to address each section individually, you can feel more realistic and less overwhelmed in your goals to overcome depression.
Exercise can relieve depression, possibly by altering the mood-regulating brain chemicals serotonin and norepinephrine. Exercise enhances the action of endorphins, chemicals which circulate throughout the body.
Endorphins reduce the perception of pain and improve natural immunity. They can also serve to improve mood. It`s not yet known which type of exercise or how much is best or whether the benefits are lost if exercise is one stops exercising. Broadly speaking, exercising can:
- Increase energy levels
- Help to improve sleeping patterns
- Help to distract people from their daily worries or block negative thoughts
- Help people feel less alone if they workout with others
Source: Men’s Health Forum
Depression for many people can be a symptom of other health problems related to nutrition.
For instance, depression can be a symptom of fibromyalgia, gluten sensitivity, ciguatera poisoning, Vitamin B -12 deficiency, tryptophan deficiency, pork tapeworms and low testosterone. Depression can also be a risk factor for heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
Plant based diets, high in vegetable and fruit intake, can decrease depression and improve mood.
This maybe because plant-based diets supply higher levels of antioxidants and lower levels of arachidonic acid.
Other foods that can help to fight and prevent depression include saffron, flax seeds, turmeric, walnuts, probiotics, and a carbohydrate rich evening meal.
Psychotherapy is sometimes known as talking therapy. It`s used to treat mild and moderate depression. A mental health professional helps individuals with depression to concentrate on their ideas, behaviours, and emotions, which contribute to depression.
They also assist the depressed individual to identify and understand the life problems which contribute to their condition so that they can be able to regain a sense of control.
Talking therapy can be done on a person or group basis and can include spouses and family members. It`s usually the first line of treatment for depression.
Light therapy
This is useful for individuals who are prone to a kind of depression that`s known as SAD (seasonal affective disorder).
In this disorder, your mood is badly affected because of the limited sun during winter. The light therapy session begins with a session of approximately 15 minutes and is then increased up to 120 minutes per day. This therapy eases the stress symptoms within a few days.
Cognitive behavioural therapy
This is based on the fact that our thoughts trigger feelings. Being aware of your thoughts and learning to change the destructive patterns could change your reaction to situations how your brain works.
Cognitive behavioural therapy is considered short term therapy, normally lasting for ten to twenty sessions. It has been shown to be as effective as antidepressant medications in treating mild to moderate depression.
Insomnia (sleeplessness) is mostly responsible for the aggravation and inception of depression. Insomnia impairs brain function and increases brain stress.
Sleeplessness causes energy drainage and exhaustion that can lead to the loss of the ability to perform one`s daily tasks. It is possible for a person suffering from depression to find it hard to sleep, however, there`s a trick that can help. If you find it hard to sleep, the best thing you should do is changing your environment.
Move to a quiet, cool and darker room. After that, you should try to focus your thought on only one thing, something you find interesting.
Concentrate on it like you are fantasising and daydreaming about it. This will help to relax your brain and mind and initiate slowly a transition into dreamland. You can practice this every time you find it hard to sleep, it becomes easier with time until your sleeping habits get back to normal.
When your sleeping habits become normal again, the depression will fade away and you’ll have an improved brain function.
Stress reduction
Stress is one of the main causes of depression. It withdraws energy from your brain and body, Stress can be a result of mental disturbance or physical strenuous activities.
To avoid or reduce create time for relaxation and decongest your head from any unnecessary fearful thoughts that may cause depression and anxiety.
You can use the techniques that are listed below to reduce your stress levels. Stress affects emotions, the body and mind, hence the reduction of stress can occur in each of these areas:
- Body: Deep breathing, a hot bath or exercise, such as yoga, running or dancing.
- Mind: Reality testing catastrophic thinking and negative thoughts, planning in advance, meditating and concentrating on positive things.
- Emotions: Crying or laughing or crying, expressing stress through writing or art, talking to someone you trust about stressful events, and engaging in a relaxing and enjoyable activity. You can still be a strong man and cry, women do find this attractive.
It has been shown that caring for a pet helps to relieve stress and other conditions. Seminars and self-help books which teach ways to reduce stress or coping methods can also be effective for some people.
Seek the right kind of social support
Re-read this quote, there’s truth in it.
Support groups are mainly focused on providing a safe, confidential environment for the participants to form connections and share their strategies for coping and experiences.
People suffering from depression normally isolate themselves and think that they’re the only people feeling as they do. A support group is a great place for them to address these barriers to recovery.
Scientific research has shown that sharing with and hearing from other people with similar experiences can be quite helpful for the people facing depression.
There is promising evidence that certain supplements can help relieve the symptoms of depression. The supplements include folic acid, SAMe and fish oil. But more research needs to be done before we’ll know for sure.
The B vitamins, particularly vitamin B6 and folic acid, can be helpful in mild depression. B vitamins can also help to increase the efficacy of antidepressants.
Always consult your physician before taking any supplement, particularly if you are already taking medications.
Medication that`s combined with psychotherapy is very effective for most individuals with depression. Your doctor or psychiatrist may prescribe medications to relieve the symptoms.
Nevertheless, many people with depression also benefit from seeing a psychologist or other kind of mental health professional. If you have severe depression, you might require a hospital stay, or you may participate in an outpatient depression treatment program until your symptoms reduce significantly.
Below is a list of some of the medications that are commonly used to treat depression.
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
- Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
- Norepinephrine dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRIs)
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- Atypical antidepressants
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
Micro-dosing drugs (experimental)
Recent scientific research has shown that taking small amounts of hallucinogenic drugs, can help in treating depression.
According to the study taking a small dose of lysergic acid diethylamide –1/10 of a normal dose (10 to 20 micrograms, as opposed to 100 to 200 micrograms) –every 4 days is apparently effective at treating depression.
If this is done properly, the user won’t have any traumatic experiences, experience hallucinations, and will not notice a slowdown in his/her cognitive abilities.
However, it is important to note that the scientific basis of micro-dosing drugs to treat depression are still shaky right now.
Also, you should check out CBD oils for anxiety and depression. More and more research is being funded to prove the effectiveness of CBD.
Conclusion: I Might Be Depressed… Now What?
So there you have it.
Everything you need to know about depression in men and most importantly the signs you may be suffering from it, so you can treat it.
Don’t take the topic of depression lightly.
If you feel as though you may be depressed, then you need to reach out to a health professional as soon as you can.
Don’t bother with forums or quick fixes.
It’s a mental health issue that needs to be resolved under the supervision of medical experts.
Lastly, I want to mention that if you aren’t depressed, maybe you can recognise these signs in a friend or loved one and help them in the right way.
Have you suffered from or are you currently suffering from depression?
You should read these also:
I would recommend not taking any of the medications in general, it does more harm then good, reason being it will reduce testosterone levels, also you will have erectile dis function as a side effect of the medications, this will not help you out.